Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Following on....

I am So excited! My pastry is actually a success this time around. Refer to the previous post to see what I mean... The only difference that I made this time was to leave the pastry to sit overnight. In addition to that, I rolled and folded the layers at least 5 times to make sure that there are more layers that have butter incorporated in them. All in all, MISSION SUCCESFUL! =)

I have also changed the previous recipe somewhat.... and I have received good comments from it =) Thank goodness.

Ingredients: (just halved it)

Steps: (follow previous post)
When you start doing the folding, just fold the dough as before... flip the dough over, flatten it, and then fold again. Do this at least 3-4 times to make sure that there are a lot of layers that have butter incorporated into them and that actually makes it softer and flakier.
What I recommend to do is also to leave the dough overnight in the fridge so that it has time to set... The following day, just cut into mouldable pieces and follow the recipe before.

Might sound a bit confusing, if it does, just let me know and I'll follow up! Thank you for reading =)

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