Monday, January 10, 2011

Double delight Monday! Part 2

As mentioned in last post, I have made 2 different desserts for the day (mainly because I know I will fail at making the puff pastry for the portugese egg tarts) AND I HAVE! :( Such a sad day for mankind. Thankfully, though, I have the egg whites left over to actually make macaroon's again!! So hopefully, we will see succesful macaroon's the next time I do my cooking! This recipe I actually found off youtube and apparently it is 'authentic' but who knows.... she was not 100% clear on the steps of making the pastry itself so I blindly assumed a few things. Could've also been the mould/quantity of dough that I was using. But nevertheless, it looks brilliant and really pretty. Just the pastry being a bit too hard I guess...

looks can be deceiving =(
This recipe originated from a youtube video link here ( )

(makes 16)
500g of flour (1tsp of salt)
125g of butter combined with 125g of margarine
1L of milk (2 slices of lemon skin, 1 cinnamon stick)
60g of flour + 20g of cornflour
375g of sugar
7 yolks + 1 whole egg
3/4 cup of water
muffin tray/egg tart tray

1) Make a hole in the middle of the flour and add the water slowly while stirring with your hands. Knead and leave aside for 10mins.
2) Cook the milk using low heat adding the lemon skin and cinnamon stick for flavouring. Cook till warm and leave aside to cool. Then add the flour mixture and sugar and stir till dissolved.
3) Flatten out the dough to make a large rectangular shape. Spread enough of the butter+margarine combination to cover the dough (careful to avoid the edges). Then outline the dough into 3 smaller rectangles and fold over each other. Wrap in clingwrap and leave in the fridge for 15minutes.
4) Take out the pastry, roll it flat into a large rectangle again, and add the rest of the butter/margarine mixture.
5) Now instead of folding, take the edge of the rectangle and start rolling it into a cylinder (as if you were rolling a playdough into a snake).
6) Cut enough of the dough to fit into your muffin tray/egg tart trays and flatten the dough to the outline of the tray. The bottom should be thin and the top should be thicker.
7) Now take your milk mixture and add the eggs to it. After mixing, add the mixture to your premade dough skins and fill it.
8) This part is an assumption.. Put the oven to the highest temperature (mine went up to 260celcius) and cook the tarts till they become brownish in color. Take out of the oven and leave to cool. Serve warm.

Good luck with making this! I know some people have failed! But I will endeavour to try this recipe again! Anyone able to help me find the perfect puff pastry recipe? Let me know! =)

Douglas out!

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