Monday, November 29, 2010

No cooking today!

Feeling out of sorts lately. Night after night of partying has kept me unsober and too tired to really do any sort of cooking. I made a burger... so.. that is kind of like progress? Didn't turn out looking bad actually sooooo... success!

who needs Maccas when you can eat this

The cooking does start tomorrow when I feel a little bit better. So we'll wait and see whether my kueh penyaram comes out successful or not.... Also contemplating whether I should make some kaya balls =)) They are so yummy but I need to buy some kaya to put in it... or maybe even peanut butter?? haha...

On a different note, I have been addicted to/currently started to get back to addiction with this song. . It is actually a video of a marriage between a taiwanese couple. But its the song that is really meaningful to me (I finally found someone by Brian Adams and Barbara Streisand). How I wish it applies to my current situation now though... However, there are so many uncertanties that I cant control right now. Do I want to be with her? Will she accept? Hmm........

Look forward to tomorrow!

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